Tuesday, 5 June 2012

This one didn't get posted....Read before "almost there" hahaha

Well it's finally here! Tomorrow is the day of days. I am about to embark on the Great Crusade, toward which I have striven these many months. They eyes of the world are upon me. The hopes and prayers of liberty loving people everywhere march with me.....sorry got carried away with quoting Ike's D-Day speech. But the situations are similar right? Pretty soon I will be storming the beaches of Bali and instead of dodging bullets and mortar shells I will be dodging drunk Australians and gigantic spiders. 

Now I am losing everyone that has no interest in WWII history....sorry again. 

I am on part one of my EPIC journey to the other side of the earth. I am currently sitting on the Coastal Celebration staring out at the passing Gulf Islands. You gotta love free Wifi, eh? 

I had an excellent last week in Vic, I worked up until the bitter end but in the end was rewarded with 2 relatively decent paycheques and then promptly spent a shit tonne of them on bills and stuff. Why am I telling you this? Like you care what I spent my money on if it was something for you.  I also had 2 excellent nights out with my friends and I can say that I am going to miss them the most. If you read this, you guys rock and I love you. I love you so much that I am thinking about jumping off the ferry and swimming to the nearest island and hitching another ferry ride home. 

I am heading to Vancouver and staying the night with my friend and then heading out on part 2 tomorrow. This whole thing still doesn't seem real at all. I think that it's going to hit when I am in Korea and it's going to hit HARD. But this is what I love about it....the absolute culture shock of "where the fuck am I?" and "what the hell am I doing. 

All right, going to sign off for now. 

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